World Drug-Free Bodybuilding Champion's audiobook produced by HomeSic

Our health will deteriorate if we adopt a diet that is less precise. find tips and good information from the book "101 Bakar Lemak" and the audiobook cd in it are delivered directly by the World Drug-Free Bodybuilding Champion, Ade Rai, and Halim Tsiang of RAI Institute.

HomeSic Production work together with to produce the audiobook cd to provide information about good diet and fitness tips. The book can be purchased in the nearest bookstore in Indonesia.

101 Bakar Lemak with audiobook cd click me!
Happy Ied Mubarak 1432 H !!

Minal aidzin wal faidzin

Wish you all the best and blessed in this great day !
May forgiveness and peace find us all !!


HomeSic Production

Ring of Fire "Social Visit To Merapi" trailer

This is the preparation of the Ring Of Fire project. This video taken in early 2011 near Merapi mountain by Rahabi. Music by Homesic. See the trailer below.

Homesic on Reverbnation

Myspace music player